Wednesday, April 10, 2013

who is my soulmate.???

akuuuuuu galauuuuuuu
 you're so pretty, you know .. I so want to see you now. I love you, I'm stupid but I'm going to be smart for you, I'm crazy but it's also because of you, I have to succeed is because of you ... all this just for you, whatever you say is most important to me is your happiness ... ..your sweet smile with beautiful words that come out of your mouth, that is what willgenerate power .......
. elegance and modesty your heart, that's what would make a wonderful trip my career ....but who are you????? ... where are you??? ... my soul mate .. come to me, I just need you now. only you .. I need to have on my side ... with me, keep me, and encouraging mewhen I was tired and bored with my failure .... when I'm confused with my big plans,,,,,when I doubt will all my actions ....
come to me .... Come closer,,, give me a clue that it's you .... my soul mate ..